TV talk

Weekly Update: 4th week of January 2018

Hello – hello my little faces and have a lovely Sunday. Are you ready to remember what we watched this week? Let’s go.

Supergirl ( 3×11 )
Dear writers! You can’t bring Leslie Willis ( aka Livewire ) back on the show, make me love her more than I already did, wanna be best friends with Kara and then kill her! Do you hear me? You have no right, you pathetic, evil creatures! Sorry that I started like that but I’m really pissed off right now. First, they brutally murdered Karamel ( Kara and Mon-El ) and now this? I hope to find a way to bring both of that back! In other news, Samantha figures out that something going on with her ( yes my dear, your alter ego is Reign ) and she tells it to Alex. I liked all that “babysitting” thing with Alex and Ruby ( Sam’s daughter ) and I wonder… Will Sam end up dead on some point and Alex adopt her daughter?

The Flash ( 4×11 )
With Barry in prison, the others much save the city on a daily base. Trickster escapes from the prison with his mom’s help and wants to kill Ralph. We found his Kryptonite ( as Iris said ) when the Trickster used a new kind of acid on him that it actually hurt him. He wanted to quit and he almost did it, but Barry talked to him and made him understand that it’s dangerous to be a hero, but if you have the power to be one, you have to do it. He also gets his new codename. The “Elongated Man”. ( I didn’t like either Ralph but it’s too late now. ) The coolest thing in this episode was when this awkward waitress from Barry’s wedding showed up again on Cisco and Ralph and we saw her to write in her diary with an unknown language. Many fans believe that she is Westallen’s daughter from the future and as a Speedster came back in time to meet her parents and their team. ( I’m not sure if they have confirmed if she is indeed their daughter. ) What do you think?

This is us ( 2×13 )
Every time that I watch this series I end up a crying mess and every time it’s so damn worth it! It’s the most beautiful series that I ever watched. As always we saw some more stuff from the teen selves of the Big Three. We saw that Kate wasn’t able to adopt another dog after the fire, but she managed to do it. We saw Randall that he bought that building so he could make those peoples lives better… and finally, we saw that Kevin is doing better and he found a way to keep himself busy. The same way that Jack had… But the fact that they made us fall in love with Jack and now they will take him away from us is the cruellest thing that ever happened in the history of TV. I mean, I know that we will keep seeing him, but the fact that we already know that he is dead was painful enough and now, on the next episode we will actually see him die… I don’t deserve this you people. I am a nice person. Why are you doing this to me?

Arrow ( 6×11 )
I don’t know if I want to punch Cayden James in the face or to worship his character until I’ll die. On the episode started attacking the city and killing people. That made the two superhero team work together and at the end, they save the citizens. I loved it how William found out that his dad is the Green Arrow again ( that scene at the beginning with Oliver and William playing with fake bow and arrows was gold ) and how Felicity and then Oliver talked to him and made him understand that the city needs Oliver. Plus, how awesome was the scene that he saved his schoolmates… ( my dear William you will be a great Green Arrow when you’ll grow up ) At the end they had to pay Cayden though but, we can’t win all the time, right? At least, we found out that Vincent ( aka the Vigilante ) is on our side and that made me really happy. ( Can we keep him please? ) 

Britannia ( 1×02 ) 
I’m on the second episode and this show is STILL damn confusing and may I add… creepy.? Anyone else annoyed by that brunette bitch, ( that I don’t remember her name, and I don’t care ), you know Lindon’s wife? lover? I’m not sure what she is to him… I totally adore Divis, but this little girl who’s with him? I can’t stand her mate…!! My favourite is the redhead though, you know… Kerra. Now, what is this thing with the poor dead man’s head and the messages? We are trying to eat here people! Finally, can we please have more screen time with Lindon? Thanks.

I also watched: Lucifer ( 3×12 ), Lethal Weapon ( 2×14 ) ** only because Alisha Wainwright was a guest **, Criminal Minds ( 13×13 ), Chicago MED ( 3×08 ), Supernatural ( 13×11 ), Chicago FIRE ( 6×10 ), Riverdale ( 2×11 ), Agents of SHIELD ( 5×09 ), Blindspot ( 3×11 ), Black Lightning ( 1×02 ), The Librarians ( 4×10 ), Hawaii five-0 ( 18 episodes )

Tell me what episodes you watched this week. Which episode liked the most and which not? Did you start watching something new this week? Comment below or on my facebook pageUntil next time…

xx Marilita.

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