The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: review season 1

Hello – hello my little faces. Today, we’ll talk about my two favorite boys from Marvel’s universe: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. ( aka Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes ) I love these two crazy dudes since the movies and I knew that their series will be awesome!! Guess what…? I was right! It had… Continue reading The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: review season 1


The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: review 1×01 ( no spoilers )

Hello – hello my little faces. The Falcon and The Winter Soldier finally premiered, which we were anxiously waiting for. Sam and Bucky were the favorite duo of many fans in the movies and now it’s time to enjoy them in their own series. The series takes place after the events of the movie Endgame and… Continue reading The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: review 1×01 ( no spoilers )

Journey Journal

Θεσσαλονίκη. Ιανουάριος 2019

Γειά σας little faces!! Ελπίζω να έχετε μια υπέροχη μέρα! Στα ελληνικά λοιπόν το σημερινό άρθρο ( αν έχεις πατήσει google translate σε ευχαριστώ και σε αγαπώ ). Σήμερα αποφάσισα, επιτέλους, να ανεβάσω το άρθρο για το σύντομο αλλά τέλειο ταξιδάκι μου στη Σαλόνικα τον περασμένο Ιανουάριο ( αυτά παθαίνεις όταν έχεις 500 drafts ).… Continue reading Θεσσαλονίκη. Ιανουάριος 2019