TV talk

Weekly Update: 1st week of February 2019

Hello – hello my little faces and have a lovely Sunday. I hope that you had an awesome week, that you are all well and happy and that you watched a lot of episodes… Let’s see what I watched this week.

Erkenci Kus ( 1×27 )
Emre and Can’s mother ( I think her name is Huma…? Let’s call her that way, no one cares after all ) is the third worst person in the series, after Fabri and Aylin. She treats badly to Sanem and Leyla and even Emre wasn’t amused when she did that to his girl. Aylin lies to Huma about Leyla’s feelings for Emre and tells her that she just wants him because he is rich ( that’s you, honey, don’t confuse my queen with the slimy self ). Huma keeping treating badly to the girls at the company this time and Can saves the day, putting her in her place. Sanem’s went to Fabri’s in order to help them with the formula of the perfume, because he keeping threating her with Can, but Emre sees her. Huma tells him her plans to make #CanEm break up but Emre is supporting of them and asks her to think it about better before she does something that she will regret ( that’s my boy!! ). Can tells his plans to aks Sanem to marry him to Emre and he immediately talks with Leyla ( my beautiful kids, are so adorable together ). Leyla tells him why Sanem went to Fabri’s and they both try to find Sanem before she tells the truth to Can and he gets mad. In the same time, Can asks Sanem to marry him with the prettiest ring of them all. ( I so totally knew it that he will use the white moonstone on it. I’m so happy right now. )

Arrow ( 7×11 )
Lyla and Diggle with Curtis’ help testing new “Suicide Squad”‘s brain bombs and Curtis plays a little game with Diaz’s mind, letting him believe that he managed to escape. ( I laughed so much ). We saw my ultimate favourite female psychopath, aka Cupid, again and her “The love of my life rejected me… for a blonde.” ( about #Olicity ) line was perfect. Felicity and Dinah helped Laurel with a stalker that she had to deal with but at the end, they got the wrong guy. This episode’s bad guy was the son of the bodyguard that Robert “asshole” Queen murdered back to Lian Yu just before he kills himself. Oliver said the truth about his father’s action on an interview and that made Emiko think gives him a chance to prove to her that he is better than their father. Curtis made crystal clear  to Diggle that he will no longer follow orders without having a voice on there ( and I truly believe that this means that he will be the one that will control the Suicide Squad from now on. )

I also watched:  The good place ( 1×05 – 3×13 ), Chicago PD ( 6×11 & 6×12 ), Outlander ( 4×13 ), The Flash ( 5×11 & 5×12 ), Supernatural ( 14×11 ), Supergirl ( 4×10 & 4×11 ), The Gifted ( 2×12 & 2×13 ), Criminal minds ( 14×14 ), Legacies ( 1×08 ), Downton Abbey ( 5×04 – 5×06 ), Roswell, New Mexico ( 1×01 ), Hawaii Five-O ( 9×14 ).

Let me know what you watched this week and don’t forget to tell me what you think about the post in the comments below or on my facebook page. Also, if you like my posts just follow my blog through WordPress or your e-mail account ( you’ll find the following buttons on your right in this post ). Until next time…

xx Marilita.

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