TV talk

Weekly Update: 3rd week of April 2020

Hello – hello my little faces. I hope you’re all safe and staying home. I know that all this coronavirus story is scary but we have to do what our governments and doctors say. Stay as much possible in your houses and leave only if you have to work or to shop in supermarkets. And please! Try to shop wisely. Buy only what you truly need and leave other stuff for others. We can do this if we stay together.! But until all these passes let’s see what I watched this week.


9-1-1 ( 3×14 )
In the last episode, we left our beloved 911’s operators being hostages to that “man” that hit Josh on their date. Their plan was to can control the center in order to rob the art museum. The operators tried their best to send cryptic messages to police in order to find out that something is wrong and they did! Chimney with Buck and Athena figured out that something is going on and alert the authorities. They finally managed to take the bad guys down, but not before Maddie and her friends/co-workers stopped them by taking them down one by one.

Cloak and Dagger 
The second season was nice. Sometimes it was a little bit slow but only in a few scenes. I liked the villain who was stealing hope from his victims, but I hate the whole Jazz music ( I’m not a fan ). I’m satisfied with the ending ( even if the show got canceled ) and they let us know that Tandy and Tyrone got together ( I wanted at least a kiss though ). Waffles all the way you people!

Charmed ( 2×18 )
After Harry lost his memory mysteriously when he been kidnapped, Macy is trying to bring his memories back but the spell backed out and hit Macy unlocks one really important memory. At the same time, Maggie with Mel and Ray ( their father ) are trying to find where the magical creatures are held. Macy is dying while she is remembering meeting her mother and Harry for the first time, but Jordan helps Harry to take his memories back and he heals Macy. The others figure out where the magical creatures are and that the villain is indeed Julian. The sisters getting ready to fight one more time. Maggie speaks with Ray and they finally put their problems aside while Macy asks Harry to dance with her and they are kissing!!!! ( Dear Lord, thank you! )

I also watched: Vis A Vis ( 1×06 – 2×02 ), Les Miserables ( 1×01 – 1×04 ), Roswell, New Mexico ( 2×05 ), Cloak and Dagger ( 2×04 – 2×10 ), Chicago FIRE ( 8×20 ), Chicago PD ( 7×20 ), Motherland: Fort Salem ( 1×05 ), Westword ( 1×01 – 1×02 ), MacGyver ( 4×10 ).

Let me know what you watched this week and don’t forget to tell me what you think about the post in the comments below or on my Facebook page. Also, if you like my posts just follow my blog through WordPress or your e-mail account ( you’ll find the following buttons on your right in this post ). Until next time…

xx Marilita.

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