Utopia Falls

Utopia Falls: Μια μουσικοχορευτική επανάσταση ( Review - Season 1 )

Hello there my adorable little faces. Today I will write about a show that I watched earlier this month and I totally loved it. Of course, I’m talking about Hulu’s “Utopia Falls”. I will not write major spoilers so, feel free to read it.

The story takes place in the future, many years after a war who destroyed humankind and left the Earth full of radioactivity. The progeny of those who survived the war are living in a utopian city, named New Babyl, protected from the radioactivity by an artificial dome.

The citizens of New Babyl are separated into four factions, Progress, Industry, Nature, and Reform. Every year, in order to honor the first woman who came out of the underground hideouts, Gaia, and created New Babyl the government ( Tribunal) organizes an art competition including music and dance. In this competition, The Exemplar, the government chooses teenagers ( they all must be 16 years old ) from all the factions to take place and the winner becomes a representative of their faction. Everything changes though when this year’s Ecamplars find out an ancient Archive and the revolution begins.

My thoughts.

I didn’t think that I’ll like so much… but I loved the show. The story is something that we have seen before but the fresh cast, the excellent soundtrack and the dancing moves give it a really fresh air that you’ll love. The characters are really good written and the direction on point. You’ll like the romantic ( and friendly ) relationships between the characters and you’ll find – at least – one character to love and support with all your heart. For me this character is Apollo.

Let me know what you think about the post in the comments below or on my Facebook page. Also, if you like my posts just follow my blog through WordPress or your e-mail account ( you’ll find the following buttons on your right in this post ). Until next time…

xx Marilita.

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