
Recipe for love ( 2014 )

Hello there my adorable little faces. Today, I will write to you about one more Hallmark movie. Recipe for love is another sweet movie that you have to watch if you are a hopeless romantic.

Dexter Durant ( Shawn Roberts ) is a famous chef, with his own restaurant and his tv show and everyone loves him. The thing is that the network that he works for want from him to write a cookbook something that Dexter can’t and won’t want to do. After some unsuccessful attempts to convince him to write the book the network’s people found the perfect ghostwriter to do it for him.

Lauren ( Danielle Panabaker ) always wanted to study in Paris to the most famous cook school but she never had the chance. When her boss gave her the opportunity to become Durant’s ghostwriter the money was way too much to say no. It was the paycheck that she needed to go to Paris so she said “yes”.

Dexter isn’t an easy person to work with though. Arrogant and true believer that he knows everything he will make Lauren’s life a misery.

My thoughts…

One more great job from Hallmark and its people. This movie showing us that we have to be our true selves if we want to be happy and if someone pretends that he/she is someone else eventually that fake person is the one that you have to be all the time. I adored how they showed us the cooking stuff and the way that they build Lauren and Dexter’s relationship.

The scene that they cooking together and he learns her how to make bread is so sweet and hot at the same time. Panabaker and Roberts’s chemistry was on point, something that it’s really important on movies like this one.

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xx Marilita.

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