Hello – hello my little faces. I hope that you are all fine and well and you’re watching a lot of series. Let’s see what I watched this week.
Color Rush ( 1×06 )
While we see in episode 5 how YeonWoo and YooHan had a great time together on episode six things went a little bit darker. In this episode, we saw how quick Monos’ addiction can kick. YeonWoo’s dark and twisted thoughts about how he can keep YooHan always by his side started popping up on his mind and even if he’s trying to control them it’s not easy. With two episodes left… everything can happen! Let’s hope that it will be a good ending.
MacGyver ( 5×05 )
The writers finally gave closure to Jack’s role. Not one that the fans wanted to see but I personally believe that it was about time. We all knew that George Eads, who played Jack, wouldn’t return so… it was more painful to waiting for him to come back, so they killed Jack. The team managed to catch the real Kovak and we had some good Macriley scenes in which those two had conversations about their father figure. We all gonna miss Jack, but at least he died as a hero.
Don’t forget to also read my reviews for Virgin River, W – Two worlds apart and While you were sleeping.
I also watched: Virgin River ( 2×08 – 2×10 ), W – Two worlds apart ( 1×01 – 1×16 ), While you were sleeping ( 1×01 – 1×32 ), Color rush ( 1×05 ), True beauty ( 1×09 & 1×10 ), Prodigal son ( 2×01 ), Chicago PD ( 8×03 ), Chicago FIRE ( 9×03 ), We best love ( 1×03 ), WandaVision ( 1×01 & 1×02 ), Sen Cal Kapimi ( 1×23 ).
Let me know what you watched this week and don’t forget to tell me what you think about the post in the comments below. Until next time…
xx Marilita.