Hello – hello my little faces and HAPPY NEW YEAR. Let’s see what I watched this week. Hiatus is almost over and things start to become normal.
His Dark Materials ( 1×08 )
The season finale was really good. Lord Asriel uses Roger and his daemon for energy in order to create a bridge between the two worlds and Roger dies ( I thought that Asriel was good, but he’s as bad as Marisa Coulter ). Asriel asks from Mrs. Coulter to run away with him to this new unknown world, to find Dust and finally find out from where it comes. She refuses though… because the only thing that she wants is to be with their daughter, Lyra. Lyra, on the other hand, angry with her father because he used her and killed her friend takes the decision to go after him with her daemon, Pan, to search and find the Dust before he does. At the same time, Will who is in the run with the police looking for him finds the portal to the other ( Lyla’s ) world and he crosses it the same time that Lyra walks in on the other way.
Doctor Who ( 12×01 )
Finally is back and perfect as always! Graham, Yasmin and Ryan are back with The Doctor ( Jodie is back for her second season as The Doctor ) and at the end of the episode we find out that the actual bad guy they’re not the unknown alien species but the Master himself!! ( Truth be told, the “first” Master and Misty were better but I hope that the new would be great as well ).
I also watched: Azize ( Ep6 ), Icerde ( Ep15 – Ep17 ), The Bonfire Of Destiny ( 1×01 – 1×08 ), Erwtas Meta ( 1×01 ).
Let me know what you watched this week and don’t forget to tell me what you think about the post in the comments below or on my facebook page. Also, if you like my posts just follow my blog through WordPress or your e-mail account ( you’ll find the following buttons on your right in this post ). Until next time…
xx Marilita.