TV talk

Weekly Update: 1st week of April 2019

Hello – hello my little faces and have a lovely Sunday. I hope that you had an awesome week, that you are all well and happy and that you watched a lot of episodes… Let’s see what I watched this week.


Hudson & Rex ( 1×01 & 1×02 )
So…! I grow up watching the original Kommisar Rex, and I was so in love with this dog. It was actually the series that made me realize two things. One, that I will always be a dogs lover and two… That I wanted to become a police officer ( something that in the future was impossible because I’m only 1.54m and females in my country much be at least 1.70(+)m to made it in the force ). I found about “Hudson and Rex” by scrolling down on my tv calendar’s timeline and I knew immediately that I had to check it out! It’s pretty good and I’m really happy about that. It’s too close to the original with the crimes and the connection between Rex and his handler Charlie Hudson ( John Reardon ) but also ( at least those two episodes that are already aired ) is really family friendly, so kids are able to watch it as well. Here to the new generation of Rex’s fans. I wish to this new show the best and many more seasons.

I also watched: Charmed ( 1×07 – 1×12 ), The walking dead ( 9×16 ), Legacies ( 1×14 – 1×16 ), Black Sails ( 2×04 –  3×03 ), Shadowhunters ( 3×16 ).

Let me know what you watched this week and don’t forget to tell me what you think about the post in the comments below or on my facebook page. Also, if you like my posts just follow my blog through WordPress or your e-mail account ( you’ll find the following buttons on your right in this post ). Until next time…

xx Marilita.

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