Hello there my little faces. As you may already know, I got a full-time job something that it’s great ( ’cause, ya know… money ) but, leaves me so little time to watch my series. I tried to keep up for a while and keep this column active but it’s hard.
Sometimes I even return home and have to still work ( I kept my part-time job as well ) or I am so tired that I take a shower and read a book before sleep without even open my laptop to watch anything.
On that note, I took the decision to stop posting the “Weekly Update” posts. I thought it a lot because I love these posts but it stresses me out and I end up sad when Sunday comes and I have nothing to post. I hope you’ll understand.
I will not stop posting reviews though!!! Any time that I’ll have free time I will sit down and write about the shows and movies I watched… the books that I read or the songs that I love. So, stay tuned because more posts are on their way to your screens to read.
I really wish that I’m not letting you down, because I know that some of you love “Weekly Update” so, yeah… Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter and Instagram for real-time updates of what I watch ( and my life if anyone cares ) and like my Facebook page as well. The links are available on your right.
Thank you for your time. See you soon. Have a lovely Sunday.
xx Marilita