TV talk

Weekly Update: 4th week of February 2020

Hello – hello my little faces. I hope you’re all great. Let’s see what I watched this week.


Legends Of Tomorrow ( 5×05 )
The team had to deal with Marie Antoinette this time and her magical perfume. Zari and Ava saved the day when all the others fell for Marie’s spell while John, Charlie and Gary were dealing with Astra’s mom’s ghost. Zari finally started having some of her memories back – while she was eating a donut – ( and that’s one of the reasons why she’s my favorite ). At the same time, Astra makes a deal with a demon to kill John.

MacGyver ( 4×04 )
In this week’s episode, the team had to deal with World War II’s old bomb in Germany. Desi leaves Mac and Riley to go find some of the survivors, while the other two had to find a way to shield the bomb. If you are a #MacRiley ( Mac x Riley ) shipper this episode was really good. We got jealous Mac and Riley while they’re talking about Desi and Riley’s boyfriend. We saw Mac losing it when Riley fell and the bomb fell behind her. He jumped from almost one floor high in order to shield her with his body ( even if that was not necessary if the bomb went exploded – but don’t tell him that lol – ). Finally, we got a hug, touching hands and Riley telling her boyfriend lies about where she was. On this point, I’d like to say that I believe that this guy is working with the bad guys.

I also watched: MacGyver ( 4×03 ), Luna Nera ( 1×04 – 1×06 ), Peaky Blinders ( 2×03 ), Hawaii five-0 ( 10×17 ), Legends Of Tomorrow ( 5×06 ).

Let me know what you watched this week and don’t forget to tell me what you think about the post in the comments below or on my Facebook page. Also, if you like my posts just follow my blog through WordPress or your e-mail account ( you’ll find the following buttons on your right in this post ). Until next time…

xx Marilita.

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