Hello – hello my little faces. I hope you’re all safe and staying home. I know that all this coronavirus story is scary but we have to do what our governments and doctors say. Stay as much possible in your houses and leave only if you have to work or to shop in supermarkets. And please! Try to shop wisely. Buy only what you truly need and leave other stuff for others. We can do this if we stay together.! But until all these passes let’s see what I watched this week.
Prodigal Son ( 1×19 )
After Eve’s voicemail in which she broke up with him, Malcolm is really sad. He understands that she has to go and find her sister but he really cares about Eve and it hurts him that she called off their relationship. Gil calls him at the police station and he tells him the sad news. Eve’s body found it drowned by the river and they believe that she killed herself, everyone except Malcolm. His suspicions becoming true when Edrisa examines the body. Malcolm and Jessica go to Martin in order to ask him if he knows anything and they find there Ainsley as well. She and Martin inform them that “the girl in the box” ‘s boss was Jessica’s new boyfriend ( and Martin’s old friend ) Nicholas Endicott. Malcolm with Dani and JT find out a professional killer but she tells them that she isn’t the one that killed Eve. They look the footages from Eve’s building and they found out that the killer is actually Martin’s new guard and they manage to stop him from killing Malcolm’s dad for a couple of seconds. Gil and Jessica – finally – kissed the same time that Malcolm visits the killer at the hospital ( because Malcolm literally pulled his eyes out ). The episode ended with Gil, Dani and JT arrest Malcolm for the murder of Eve’s killer ( I mean… WHAT? ).
9-1-1 ( 3×15 )
The episode was so damn good. In this one, we saw Eddie’s story and Ryan Guzman ( who plays Eddie ) did an excellent job. We saw how he survived in Iraq and saved others as well, how his wife left him alone with his son, and how he almost sacrificed himself in order to save a kid on episode’s call. He trapped on a well trying to save this kid and Buck almost lost it, trying to even dig with his own hands to save him. In the end, he managed to find a way to the lake near to the well, and thank God he survived.
Penny Dreadful: City of Angels ( 1×01 )
It was a nice premiere. The episode gave us all the information that we’ll probably need in the future to understand what is going on. We meet ( I think ) all the main characters and we learn something for all of them. The show is based in Los Angeles in 1938 so we have Nazis as well. A topic that I like a lot and I want to see how they’ll work on that through the season. ( I hate those guys so much though… ) I liked it a lot except the fact that Kurt ( Dominic Sherwood ) is a main character but not a leader. I need him more on my screen. lol
MacGyver ( 4×11 )
When Phoenix arrest Clive ( that guy who was killing female football players for CODEX ) Taylor has a really good idea. Instead of trying to take information from them who will never give they will make him believe that he is a prisoner of some unknown people and Mac his cellmate. The plan worked well until he figured out that it was a plan and managed to give them false info who lead CODEX to Phoenix headquarters. Riley sees Mac and Desi kissing from cameras and immediately Bozer figures out what is going on ( that she’s in love with Mac ). In the end, they manage to arrest the CODEX’s agents and make Clide give them the organization’s location.
I also watched: Time after time ( 1×05 – 1×08 ), Roswell, New Mexico ( 2×06 ), Les Miserables ( 1×05 & 1×06 ), Legends of tomorrow ( 5×09 ), The Flash ( 6×16 ), Motherland: Fort Salem ( 1×06 ).
Let me know what you watched this week and don’t forget to tell me what you think about the post in the comments below or on my Facebook page. Also, if you like my posts just follow my blog through WordPress or your e-mail account ( you’ll find the following buttons on your right in this post ). Until next time…
xx Marilita.