TV talk

Weekly Update: 3rd week of November 2019

Hello – hello my little faces and have a lovely Sunday. Let’s see what I watched this week.


His Dark Materials ( 1×03 )
After Lyla abducted by the Gobblers in the previous episode, the Gyptians and Tony saved her and took her with them to keep her safe. Looking for the missing children, Lyla informs them that they’re going to the North but she doesn’t know where exactly. While the Gyptians getting ready to travel North, Tony with his friend Benjamin go to Mrs. Coulter’s house to find the map of the secret location that Gobblers have the kids. Mrs. Coulter sending the Magisterium ( cops or whatever they are ) to search for Lyla at Gyptians’ boats and they almost found her. Tony’s mom tells the truth to Lyla, that Mrs. Coulter is her mom ( I totally knew it ). Mrs. Coulter traps Benjamin ( Tony manages to escape ) and she tries to make him tell her the truth, but he kills himself in order to not betrayed his people. Lyla finds a way to make aletheometer works.

Arrow ( 8×05 )
Oliver with his kids, William and Mia, and Laurel go to Russia to ask Anatoly’s help in order to find the prints that they’re looking for ( I had missed uncle Anatoly so much ). At the same time, Diggle finds Roy and he convinces him to help him steal the uranium. Laurel tries to do what Lyla and the Monitor asked her, to betray Oliver, but at the last minute, she decides not to. On the contrary… she finds Lyla after she had informed Oliver and Diggle for that. But… someone who works with Lyla hits them with hypnotic arrows ( some people believe that it could be Roy… ).

Her Yerde Sen ( Ep23 ) ** series finale **
I’m literally still crying writing this. I will miss this show so much… but let’s see what happened in the finale. After the police came to investigate Artemim and Demir with Burak and Ferruh went to the station in order to give statements, they let them go ( thank you Lord ). Demir and Burak have a conversation about what Burak did and made Alara’s dad so mad and he finally told Demir about the blackmail that they did with Eylul. Merve and Vedat have a really cute scene in which she put her wedding ring off and put it on the pot with the flowers that Bora send to her ( I loved that ). Selin returns home, to find Demir in a romantic mood won’t talk about anything but themselves. They danced and kiss and they were the adorable selves ( the whole fandom died ) and had dinner and everything was perfect… until the talk! Poor Demir thought that they’re talking about ( finally ) having sex with Selin definitely talking about Artemim ( lol… poor boy ). The next morning he woke up with a red thread on his hand and when he followed it found it tied up on Selin’s hand as well. ( This is for Japanese old myths about soulmates. How two people as destined to be with one another no matter what. Or something like that lol ). The news about Artemim is bad though. The council decided to close the company after Alara’s dad won the lawsuit and Demir informs the team about that, letting them know how important all were for Artemim ( no lies here, I cried ). The whole team said their goodbyes, took photos… even Demir with Selin and the icon target with his photo on ( Operation Cheetah came to an end ). Demir took the love ban down right before takes Selin’s hand on his and walk out of the office ( my emotions ). #Seldem having a conversation about Leyla’s wedding, with Demir believing that they’re talking for them for a few seconds, and Selin tells him that they have to take place at their house. Merve went to Vedat to give him her resume ( because she wants to work for him ) but by accident, she gives him the divorce papers ( poor guy thought that she was asking him out… and he was ready to say YES ). My beautiful children ( #Seldem ) are at the zebra wall ( inside jock of the fandom: when we talk about zebra, we actually talk about sex because on this zebra wall we had a few really hot scenes ) ready for sex… but their friends came ringing the doorbell like no tomorrow ( again… poor Demir ). Burak and Eylul decide to go to the wedding together while Selin informs the girls about a surprise that she prepared for Demir. At the same time, he tells to Vedat and Ibo that he’ll propose to Selin ( wedding bells all over the place ). The wedding day came and #Seldem are more nervous about their surprises than the bride and groom. Burak and Eylul leave right after the wedding because they can’t be at this house again after they broke Demir and Selin’s trust, and thank God that they didn’t stay to see the proposals. It was something that only family was allowed to witness and they are not! Demir proposes to Selin the same time that she asking him to go on a long time vacation with her.! The series ends with those two saying goodbye to their house and their animals while they’re leaving for their vacation around the world, engaged. ( If you want me, I’ll be under my blankets… crying )

I also watched: Batwoman ( 1×06 & 1×07 ), Azize ( Ep01 ), Chicago Fire ( 8×08 & 8×09 ), Afili Ask ( Ep20 ), Chicago PD ( 7×09 ), Legacies ( 2×06 ), Charmed ( 2×07 ), Alta Mar ( 2×01 – 2×08 ). 

Let me know what you watched this week and don’t forget to tell me what you think about the post in the comments below or on my facebook page. Also, if you like my posts just follow my blog through WordPress or your e-mail account ( you’ll find the following buttons on your right in this post ). Until next time…

xx Marilita.

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