TV talk

Weekly Update: 2nd week of September 2019

Hello – hello my little faces and have a lovely Sunday. Let’s see what I watched this week.


Her Yerde Sen ( Ep13 )
After Selin gave her resignation to Demir ( GO GIRL ) in order to let him know how much she loves him, he tries to not accept it ( and we all know why * wink – wink * ). Ayda and Merve finally admit to Azmiye why Demir is so mad with Selin and the three of them with the aunties ( Firuze and Leyla ) trying to find a way to make Demir forgive Selin. They agree to not tell anything to her though because they want ( and I also agree ) Selin to not have any more secrets from him. Demir and Burak as the new leaders of the new different departments of Artemim discuss their new rules. Demir tells him that the rules who had put will not change on his part of the company, but Burak informs him that none of those will apply on his ( and that means that #SelDem will can date people ). Demir and Selin return home and playing “cat and mouse” with Demir trying to avoid her and Selin not leaving him alone ( I stan one queen )“Project Love” ( as our #SelDem team named their group chat ) is on a go, with the girls sending presents to Selin from a secret admirer. At the same time, the therapist gives Demir and Selin a task which encludes to tell on another a secret that no one else knows. Selin tells Demir about her childhood trauma, where she was the reason to almost die a kid and everyone ( especially her grandma ) blamed her and Demir confessed to her that when his mom left asked him to go with him but his father made him stay. He had told him that if stayed his mom will come back, something that never happened. The presents continue to come and Selin believes that the one that sends them is Demir. On the other hand, Demir who has found the cards believes that the secret admirer is Burak and Vedat insists for him to fight for Selin. The “Project Love” sends one last card to Selin invited her to a dinner in which Demir shows up as well.  He and Selin have a fight after she had been stood, and she just wants to know why he’s so cruel to her. Demir understands that she only went to the date because she thought that he had invited her. He grabs her and kisses her ( with Burak sees the whole thing – in your face dude – ) and he finally admits his feelings with a breathless “I love you” before the episode ends. ( I’m still fangirling btw ).

I also watched: Afili Ask ( Ep12 & Ep13 ), Chicago PD ( 6×20 – 6×22 ), The 100 ( 6×01 – 6×03 ), CSI Miami ( 1×01 – 1×02 ), Riverdale ( 3×07 – 3×12 ), Mindhunter ( 1×01 – 1×09 ).

Let me know what you watched this week and don’t forget to tell me what you think about the post in the comments below or on my facebook page. Also, if you like my posts just follow my blog through WordPress or your e-mail account ( you’ll find the following buttons on your right in this post ). Until next time…

xx Marilita.

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