Nine years! Nine years we had to wait for this movie to come to our lives. When 2007 the network in which Veronica Mars, the series, was decided to cancel the show, all the Marshmallows we’re so sad and upset. We had tried to stop this but we didn’t make it.
We didn’t had a decent end. We didn’t had get our OTP together for God’s sake.!
We had nothing! For years we were like Kristen Bell ( Veronica ) on this gif. “Me, I’m fine… What? Veronica Mars..? No… I don’t miss it at all…”
And then, everything changed! Rob Thomas, show’s creator, and the whole cast asked from the fans, their Marshmallows, to donate money, so the movie can become reality.
The amount of money that Marshmallows collect was way more than their goal. So, here we were on 2014 ready to watch Veronica Mars, The Movie. I remember me, ready to freak out that finally I had the chance to see what happened to LoVe. You see, Veronica and Logan was my OTP when I was on high school!

Nine years after the last time that Logan saw Veronica for last time, he needs her help to prove that he is innocent and he didn’t commit the murder that they accuse him. Now, Veronica has to choose between her life and her boyfriend, Piz, in New York or her ex-boyfriend and love of her life, Logan. I know the end people, but I am evil enough not to tell you. Go watch it and tell me your thoughts!
Here, because I like to torture you, I’ll give you this promotional still with Kristen, Jason and their marshmallows.

ps, Thank you Rob!
xx Marilita
Yes Veronica Mars and LoVe forever (one of the best tv couple ever and my personal favorite..), i really hope we will have a miniserie soon with Logan and Veronica as a stable couple always so witty, a bit snarky, very passionate and funny in dark, quite realistic mysteries !