Hey there little faces. Today, I will write to you about the movie that I watched last night, the first one from the Star Wars. First of all, I wanna confess that I have not watched this movie series never in my life. I don’t even know the BIG SPOILER about someone’s father ( wink wink ) and I have absolutely no idea who these people ( aliens?? ) are.
I always wanted to watch the movies but every time I had to watch ( or had chosen ) something else… Until now. I said to myself that “it’s about time girl” ’cause almost everyone that I know has watched them and I feel awful that I can’t understand all the references. Plus, it seems that they will never stop making movies from this movie universe and I want to be able to watch them as a proper fan. I hope to like ( if not love ) them, because of the little things that I know they seem pretty awesome.
When I googled the movies I felt so damn confused. Apparently, they came out with a totally unique and confusing way. The first three, on the ’70s and early ’80s, are the episodes 4, 5 and 6. After that, in the early ’00s we have the episodes 1, 2 and 3 and from 2016 and onwards the new ones. So, I had no idea how I supposed to watch them. Google didn’t help me on this because half of the people there said to watch them by the year that they came out and the other half by the number of the episodes… So, I asked my nerdy friends about this and everyone told me to watch them by the year that they came out and I trust those idiots so… here I am now…
Ok, I have to admit that it looked a little bit fake… BUT it was 1977 and for that time period, the graphics and the special effects were way too good. I even watch it without a problem ( I have watched modern movies and series with worse special effects than this 1977’s movie ) and I even enjoy it. Not a huge fan ( yet ), but I will definitely watch the others.
The story was nice, even if it had too many plot holes that I want to believe that we will discover in the upcoming movies. I’m a little confused about the Force and the Jedis but they seem pretty good guys so I can’t wait to “meet” them. Luke ( Mark Hamill ) is a total sweetheart and I really wanna see him become a Jedi. Han Solo ( aka the one and only Harrison Ford ) killed it as the galaxy douche how has a heart of gold and Princess Leia ( Carrie Fisher ) is the only princess ( except than Belle from Beaty and the Beast ) that a girl must have as an idol.
My favourite friendship though was the one between C-3PO and R2-D2. These robots are adorable and I want one… even if Chew totally stole my heart. Obi-Wan ( Alec Guinness ) was a little bit… scary though. I don’t know why, but I had a feeling that I can’t trust him ( I hope that I’m not right ’cause something like that would break Luke’s heart ). That Darth Vader guy has way too many issues and he needs someone to stop him. He’s a total psycho and I don’t like him.
I think that I will watch the whole series back to back so, stay tuned for my update posts. I have a feeling that the next ones would be better and I that I’m already doomed. Have a lovely day and “May the Force be with you.”
Don’t forget to tell me what you think about the movie in the comments below or on my facebook page. Also, if you like my posts just follow my blog through WordPress or your e-mail account ( you’ll find the following buttons on your right in this post ). Until next time…
xx Marilita.
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