We all have our happy songs. Those songs that every time we listen to we feel lighter and happier. But we all have our sad songs as well. Those songs, when we listen to them we feel our hearts break into a million pieces and we maybe even cry. Those are the songs that I tell you about today.
The first one is Hero by Enrique Iglesias. When I first listened to that song was ten years old. I didn’t know perfect English ( I’m Greek ) in order to fully understand the meaning of the song but something in Enrique’s voice and the whole vibe of the song made me realize that it was a really sad song. It became my favorite song immediately and still, is in my top 5.!
Not too late by ATEEZ is one of the most beautiful and meaningful b-side songs of the group. The lyrics talk about the loneliness a person can feel and how the choices that we have maybe make are so difficult that we feel hopeless. At the same time though it gives you hope, that even if these choices are like a climb a mountain, you can be happy because you were the one that you made them and you’ll do whatever it takes to make them true.
BTS’s Spring Day is all about friendship. Dedicated to one of the most terrible accidents that happened in South Korea, in which a lot of students lost their lives in the Han River, the lyrics talk about losing a friend and not being able to see them again. We all have lost a loved one. And this song has the ability to bring all those emotions back. The amount of pain when we found out that we will not see someone again, is all written in this song.
Maybe the saddest song in ATEEZ’s discography is Turbulence. Even if you don’t know the lyrics you can feel the pain through the boys’ singing and the lyric “Is anyone listening. Can someone just embrace me?” has totally the ability to break your heart.
When I heard RM’s Wild Flower for the first time I cried. I haven’t even read the lyrics yet and still, the whole vibe of the song made me wanna cry for some reason. When I read the lyrics though I cried even more ( lol ). At the same time, this song gives me so much hope for life that I can’t even describe it.!
Let me know if one of those songs makes you feel the same and comment on your own favorite sad songs. Until next time…
xx Marilita