Sleepy Hollow: an (un)fair cancellation.

On 2013 on Fox channel one new tv show started airing. Sleepy Hollow was original a myth, then a movie and finally a tv series.

The original story is all about the Headless Horseman. On the show, this – well, not adorable – guy was one of the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. When Ichabod Crane ( Tom Mison ) sacrifices his life to kill him, their souls connected. On 2013 when someone tries to resurrect the Horseman, brought Crane back to life too.

It’s really funny to watch the poor guy from two and a half centuries in the past to try learn all the things that are so daily for us. He and his new friend Lieutenant Abbie Mills ( Nicole Beharie ) trying to save the world from monsters and prevent the Apocalypse. You see, Horseman, isn’t the only monster that they have to put down. So many bad people will try to rule the world and they unleash horor creatures to help them do it.

Until the third season, the show was really popular and people were excited to watch a new episode every week. Beharie, for reasons that we don’t know, chose to leave the show after the finale of season 3, so producers and writers killed her character off. Fans were really disappointed from that and they show it on social media.

When the producers decided for the show to return for its forth season, they keep only two people from the original cast. Tom Mison and Lyndie Greenwood who played the role of Jenny Mills, Abbie’s sister. A bunch of people came to cover the space of those that they left but for many fans wasn’t enough.

The new season was a little bit different than the others and personally I loved it. Of course I missed Abbie’s character but I knew that it was Beharie’s decision so I gave a chance to the show. I really liked the new season, and the new characters, but not all the fans were happy with this change. The number of the viewers started dropping and the social media “war” never stopped. That was the end I believe.

Today, they announced that the show has officially canceled. I’m sad because was a really good show and I totally recommend it to you if you are not already watching it. Let me know your thoughts about the show and the cancellation on the comments or on my facebook page.

xx Marilita

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