Ships that deserved more. part 2

Happy New Year to all of you my lovely bloggers!! 💕 In my previous post, I told you that would be the second part of Ships that deserved more but, I have way too many ships so it would be 3 parts after all.

This post has major spoilers for some of my favorite tv series and it would be better to leave if you aren’t sure if you want to read it. I will write about: The walking dead, The vampire diaries, Sleepy Hollow, How to get away with murder and Doctor Who.

On this post, I will write about ships that one of them end it up dead or gone while the show still airing and I wanna “probably” punch writers on their faces.

THE WALKING DEAD. ( Daryl and Beth )

Even my parents know what this show is about. Zombies and survival. Beth and Daryl were always my favorites. They never end it up together but they started to have really great and emotional scenes. Fans also shipped Daryl with Carol, I never did and never do it. Beth helped him when he had some serious problems and he was the one that carried her out when Beth died. – crying forever –

THE VAMPIRE DIARIES. ( Tyler and Caroline )

First, they were friends but when Tyler turned into a werewolf Caroline was the one that helped him to figure out what’s going on with him. They fall in love and for years was my number one OTP out there. Then, the writers had this awful idea to listen to some members of the fandom and put Caroline to have a one night stand with Tyler’s biggest enemy, Klaus. That was the final drop to their relationship. They broke up but after years managed to stay friends until they killed him off without a reason at all! TYLER not only the ship deserved more on this show. 💔

SLEEPY HOLLOW. ( Crane and Abby ) 

Who said that a guy from the past and a strong woman from the present can’t be friends? Actually, Abby and Crane weren’t only friends. Were best friends. Were family!! I was shipping them from the very first episode but Ichabod Crane was married back in his days with Katrina and he was still in love with her. When we found out that she was an evil witch ( no, really… she was an evil witch ) they killed her and I couldn’t be happier. Last season, we actually could see how this friendship started to become something more… and then, when they’re ready to totally fall in love with each other, the actress who played Abby Nicole Beharie )quitted from the show.! I MEAN… WHAT THE HELL?? And that was the reason that the writers killed Abby leaving us and Ichabod heartbroken.


No one shipped those two before this season and when I tell no one I mean it! ( well, except me I guess ). I always believed that Laurel deserves more than Frank and Wes was so cute and adorable ( and no, the fact that I love Alfred Enoch since Harry Potter has nothing to do with this ). When this season writers put them together and “maybe” everyone ( except my sister ) started shipping them I was so proud of my shipping skills. The fact that they killed Wes on the mid-season finale though was so awful. I mean, why on earth would you do such a thing the same time that Laurel is pregnant and it’s probably Wes’?

DOCTOR WHO. ( 10th and Rose )

Let’s be clear, Rose met 9th before 10th and she started loving him almost from the begging. When 9th regenerated to 10th she couldn’t help it but fall hard for him and no one blames her. ( I mean, David Tennant is pretty awesome ) they saved the human and a lot of alien kinds many times and even went to a parallel universe. That was the end though… Rose stuck there and 10th hadn’t any way to bring her back… I will never forget this damn episode. It ripped my heart out and I will always cry when I watch it. Two seasons later, writers had this great idea to destroy us even more and bring Rose back! A Dalek kills 10th right before he manages to hug her BUT!! 10th uses the hand that he had lost in the second season and instead of regenerate himself, create another guy who is 10th but he isn’t. Confusing I know, you have to watch the show to can keep up. Rose returns to the other universe with the new 10th and lives with him “happily ever after”?… The thing is that she didn’t end it up with the real 10th who probably is the only woman that he ever loved like that after his wife back at Gallifrey.

This post made me moody… I need chocolate now people… and a hot cup of tea to feel better… the things that I do for you guys… 😛 Hope you like it. Let me know what you think. Have a great new year full of love, food, warm houses, good people in your lives, tv-series and books.

** you can read the other two parts here: part 1 and part 3 **

xx Marilita

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