Uncategory stuff

Ships that became canon out of the blue ( but I was already shipped them ) part 1

Hello – hello there my adorable little faces! As many of you have probably already noticed I love to talk about ships. I adore it when a book, a tv series, a movie etc give us a great relationship between two people but I have a talent that I wanna share with you here, today. I can smell a ship even before the people that they write about that thought about it yet ( and I have proofs ). So today I will talk about some of my favourite ships that at the first sight you think that nothing can happen between them ( but you are soooo wrong ). I planned to be only one post in this “category” but apparently, I have a lot of ships like these.


  1. Oliver Queen & Felicity Smoak / aka Olicity ( Arrow )

    What can I say for this couple? My number one on all of the kind of categories. I shipped them from the very first second that Oliver walked into her office. Truth be told the 80% of the fandom ship them since then but well, this ship deserves to be in this post. After all, it wasn’t the plan to become… anything! You see, Oliver Queen has already found his girl since the comics of The Green Arrow and she isn’t other than Black Canary herself, aka Laurel Lance. The problem on the show though was that the actors who play Oliver and Laurel had, have and probably will always have zero chemistry! Until Felicity Smoak came along, stole everyone’s hearts (included Oliver’s ), became regular and now the two of them are not only madly in love but married as well.
  2. Adrian Ivashkov & Sydney Sage / aka Sydrian ( Vampire Academy & Bloodlines )
    source: http://vampireacademy.wikia.com/wiki/Sydney_Sage_and_Adrian_Ivashkov

    Both of them were characters in Vampire Academy books. Both of them were my favourites and from the first moment that Sydney did an appearance in the series I truly and deeply believed that she would be the perfect girl for Adrian. Caring, beautiful, brilliant, fearless and strong I was sure that she could make him see how special he was. Something that no one had made it yet. On the other hand, Adrian was perfect for her as well. Crazy, smart, extremely hot, funny and willing to do everything for those that he loved. The only thing that broke me is that they NEVER met on VA ( well, that eye contact in the last page of the last book it doesn’t count… or it does? ) You see, in the spin-off series, Bloodlines, the two of them not only meet, not only are the main characters of the books but they became canon! Still, years later that the series ended I’m so proud that I smelled this couple so early, the waiting was worth it… I saw them meet, fall in love, trying to save each other, fight everyone who was a threat to their love and finally getting married… I will never stop loving them.

  3. Jace Herondale & Maia Roberts / aka Jaia ( The Mortal Instruments & Shadowhunters )
    In the books, they hadn’t many scenes together and not one with only the two of them. They were always with someone else. Maia hated him from the first moment because he reminds her of her dead brother. Jace had none particular problem with her just the fact that she was a Downwolder. A werewolf to be exact. For me, those things never were important enough to make me to NOT ship them. And that’s what happened. I ship them, hard! But, at least in the books my ship never sailed and I will not lie about that, I was disappointed. My reputation as “the girl who can smell a ship from a mile” saved by the show. Maia made her appearance on episode 2.03 of Shadowhunters and her first scene was with Jace himself! ( alone!! ). Through the episodes, we keep seeing their interaction and the chemistry between the actors. I won’t let myself to believe but I was suspicious about this though… until they gave it to us! Well, it was one(?) night stand but it was hot! And it really made me happy ( still I am ). Probably that was the one and only time that we saw #Jaia as a ”couple” but it was ok ( not enough though ). Now, I will be happy even if they made them the badass brotp that I imagine that these two could be.
  4. Tyler Lockwood & Caroline Forbs / aka Forwood ( The vampire diaries )
    Truth be told these series was a book series before a tv one. I tried to read the first book, Tyler was an asshole and I never opened that thing again in my life.! In the tv version though was a “bad guy” as well. He wasn’t nice, he bullied Elena’s little brother and he believed that Caroline Forbes was a shallow blonde girl… and he was right. Kinda… You see, Caroline always wanted it to be with someone. She believed that to be with a guy was the only thing that they mattered in the world until she became a vampire and remembered how bad her relationship with Damon was. When Tyler became a werewolf, Caroline was the only person that tried to help him and make him understand what’s going on with him. That was the main reason that these two started to spend more time together. Eventually, they became canon. Fluffy and supportive scenes were the elements of their relationship until the writers decided to broke them off. In the end, they stayed good friends but Tyler got killed at some point in the last season. ( See? not all my otps have a good end. ) 
  5. Gideon Lightwood & Sophie Collins / aka Sideon ( The Infernal Devices )
    source: http://shadowhunters.wikia.com/wiki/File:CJ_Gideon_%26_Sophie_01.jpg

    Ok, to be clear my favourite ship from the books is #Wessa ( Will and Tessa ) but #Sideon wasn’t in the picture for a while so… Sophie, not only was just a Mundane ( with the sight though ) when Gideon Lightwood met her but she was a servant as well. I know that for many people this means nothing but Gideon’s family was one of the most ancient and important families in Idris. That didn’t stop Gideon to fall for her ( and me to ship them ) and he did whatever he could to be with her, close to her and to make her feel better. He trained her because her dream was to become a Shadowhunter and she fell so hard for him that when she realised it was too late. They end it up together, they married and they lived happily for many years. Sophie became a Shadowhunter after all.

I hope that you enjoyed today’s post. Tell me in the comments below or on my facebook page if any of them are your otp as well or let me know if you have another one. Have a lovely day. Until next time…

xx Marilita.

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