Hello – hello my little faces. The 7th episode of Kingdom: Legendary War was also the second half of ROUND 3. I know that it took me almost two weeks to write this but I was really busy. Anyways. Let’s see what happened.
The second half of round 3 separated into two parts. In the first part, the groups had to compete as the teams that they created for the games in episode 6. Mayfly ( ATEEZ, Stray Kids & BTOB ) vs It’s One ( SF9, iKON & THE BOYZ ) would compete to: RAP, DANCE and VOCAL.
Each unit would be able to win 5000 points which will be shared equally in all three groups.
The final results of the first two rounds released and the “fight” began.
The first team that performed was The One with their RAP unit. The three boys totally killed it and had fun, something that everyone could see. From eating buddies, to matching shoes… SF9, iKON & THE BOYZ gave us a great performance.!
After that was Mayfly‘s turn to saw us their rapping skills. ATEEZ, Stray Kids & BTOB create a song full of “colours” and mad rapping who not only won all the members’ hearts but also judges as well, giving them the first win.
The third team that performed was the Dance unit from The One. They spilled a king’s personality into three parts and they gave us a performance that gave chills to everyone!
The episode ended with Mayfly‘s dance performance. The groups chose the song Wolf by EXO and transformed themselves into wild animals who ate up the stage!
The results of the second unit as well as the performances of the VOCAL unit will be aired on episode 8. Although, both teams did an amazing job I have to say that Mayfly‘s performances, and especially the dance one, got me hard.!
Any kind of hate for any of the groups or their fandoms will not be acceptable here.!
Until next time…
xx Marilita.
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