Musicholic · TV JUNKIE

Kingdom: Legendary War, Ep6

Hello – hello my little faces. The 6th episode of Kingdom: Legendary War was also the first half of ROUND 3. This round’s title name is “NO LIMITS” and the groups had to separate into two teams.

Since ATEEZ won first place in the second round had the opportunity to choose the other two groups they wanted to be together with. On the RED TEAM ( aka MAYFLY ) are ATEEZ, Stray Kids and BtoB, while on the BLUE TEAM ( aka THE ΟΝΕ ) we have SF9, iKON and The Boyz. This episode was a little bit different. The teams had to play games in order to take points so, we had zero performances.

The first half of the episode was really funny with the members cheering each other as long as they were trying to do the sports and we saw them relaxed, bonding with one another. After lunch, they had to vote for one person ( from any team ) as “Visual King”. Mnet, named this category “Kingdom Flower 4” and 5 members made it into the first 4 places.

Kingdom: Legendary War Reveals Round 2 Rankings & A Glimpse Into the Sports  Day Event - OtakuKart
  1. MinHyuk from BtoB
  2. Felix from Stray Kids
  3. Sunwoo from The Boyz
  4. Eun Kwang from BtoB
    Hyun Jae from The Boyz

After this, the games continued and the final results were:
First place “Mayfly” with 1425 points and on the second place “The One” with 225 points.

On the next episode, the same teams will compete each other on a “Vocal – Rap – Dance” colab who promises that will take our minds!

For me, the highlight of the episode was when ATEEZ‘s Wooyoung won and he run to hug San and the other members of his group.

Any kind of hate for any of the groups or their fandoms will not be acceptable here.!

Until next time…

xx Marilita.

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