Hello there my little faces. Today I will talk to you about Netflix’s new series Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina, Riverdale‘s spin-off. Like every other original series of the network Sabrina’s episodes came out at once, all of them and they were 10. I watched them and decided to tell you my opinion about it. Before I started, watch the trailer below…
The story.
Well well!!! The series follows the life of the 16 years old Sabrina Spellman ( Kiernan Shipka ). Actually, she’s not 16 yet but she’s close. Her birthday, it’s on Halloween and she has to chose between her mortal life or her life as a witch… because her father was one of the most powerful warlocks but her mother was human. Her aunts, Hilda ( Lucy Davis ) and Zelda ( Miranda Otto ), are sure that she will choose her witch side but her cousin Ambrose ( Chance Pedromo ) knows better. You see, Sabrina adores the ability to cast spells and does witchy things but she adores more her best friends, Rosalind Walker ( Jaz Sinclair ) and Susie Putnam ( Lachlan Watson ), and her boyfriend Harvey Kinkle ( Ross Lynch ). What would happen when her teacher, Mary Wardwell ( Michelle Gomez ), starts acting all weird? And is her new “cat”, Salem, powerful enough to protect her from the people that they want to hurt her?
My review and thoughts of season 1.
First of all, let me tell you that I will write it as I watch them. Episode per episode because I just watched the first one and I’m shook! What a premiere! I know that it has the word “chilling” on the title but I wasn’t convinced until I saw them. It’s dark! Not a thriller, but scary enough to like it ( I don’t like thrillers btw ).
I knew for the moment that I saw Wardwell that we had to expect a totally awesome character but I believed that the evil one was the actual Mary and not the innocent girl that she helped out. Long story short, that little girl killed the real Mary Wardwell and took her place at the school in order to be close to Sabrina. I’m not pretty sure yet if she wants to kill her or to make her decide to sign her name on Dark Lord’s ( Voldemort much? ) book. ( Let the poor girl start a coven by herself… ) I adored the way that Salem ( her actual spirit animal – lol ) came to the show that in reality ( well, on series reality ) isn’t a cat at all but a goblin ( I think?… I’m not sure. I was drinking water when they called it by its actual name – sorry ). On some point, Sabrina told the whole truth, about her being a half witch to Harvey, but she cast a spell on him to forget it when he didn’t believe her and I’m 99.9% sure that he gonna remember it in the future. ( Also I have a feeling that this post will be massive. – forgive me ).
I adore the thing that Sabrina created a school club for women to feel safe just because she wanted to be sure that someone will have her friends back when she’d gone. Until now ( I’m only on the second episode though ) two are my favourite characters. I really like Sabrina but I love Ambrose. This dude pretended that he cast a spell to protect his cousin from their crazy coven when she said “NO” to sign on Dark Lord’s ( yeah, we’re talking about Satan ) book. Yes, “go girl” and stuff like that… but THE dude is kinda pissed that she didn’t sign on his damn book. ( Fun fact: It’s a little too scary compared to the things that I usually watch but I can’t stop watching it! Well done Netflix. )
The whole third episode was about the trial that Sabrina, and her aunts, had to prove that they’re innocent of Dark Lord’s allegations. As Sabrina said, Satan sue her ( I laughed so hard that moment ) but Ambrose had the solution once again. He told Sabrina about a lawyer, Daniel Webster, who had won against Satan before. Webster helped her out but Hilda was the one with the shocking secret. As we learn, Sabrina’s dad, Edward, with Zelda had put Sabrina’s name on Dark Lord’s book only days after she was born. But her mom, Diana, with Hilda as a witness had already baptised her daughter on a Christian church. With this secret be out Satan offered Sabrina a deal. He’d withdraw the lawsuit and Sabrina would be free to keep her mortal life but has to go to his academy, something that she accepted. In other news, this Luke ( Darren Mann ) guy scares the hell out of me. ( If you are evil and hurt my boy Ambrose, I will hunt you down… do you hear me? )
If you ever had ( or have ) been bullied this episode will make you feel it in your bones. As a person that I have experienced a form of bullying back in high school, I want to say a big “thank you” to the writers for the fourth episode. Prudence ( Tati Gabrielle ) and her “sisters”, Agatha ( Adeline Rudolph ) and Dorcas ( Abigail F. Cowen ), ( they are orphans, all of them ) took bullying their schoolmates really serious, especially Sabrina. We figured out that many kids ( I believe that they weren’t all victims of the trio though ) have died through an acceptances “ceremony” in school and with Sabrina and her aunts help they made the trio stop it. Father Blackwood knew everything though and in fact, he was the one that made Prudence and her sisters to torture Sabrina in the first place. ( Fun fact; if you have seen Prudence on an other show but you can’t remember in which one, it’s probably “The 100”. She plays Gaia. )
Nightmares are the worst form of a dream. Especially when a demon wants revenge. That was what happened to Sabrina and her family. We saw their worst nightmares and truth be told, they made us love them a little more. Ambrose’s nightmare is that he’ll die alone and no one will mourn for him, that no one loves him enough to miss him when he’ll die. Hilda’s is that he will stick with Zelda forever and that will never live her life. Zelda’s nightmare, on the other hand, is that she will lose her sister and that she will not be able to bring her back again and we all already know Sabrina’s. The thing that she fears the most is that her mortal loved ones will hate her the moment that they will find out that she is a witch. ( note to myself; to get a dreamcatcher ). In other news, Sabrina finally found out that Wardwell isn’t an innocent high school teacher, at all, when she went to Sabrina’s nightmare in order to help her wake up.
Sabrina’s friends tell her what happened with Uncle Jesse, Susie’s uncle, and that they believe that he’s possessed by a demon. When her visit to Uncle Jesse has no result, she decided to go to the mine and look if she could find a clue about the demon’s name and Harvey went with her ( that’s love people ). After she found out its real name, Mrs Wardwell, who pretends that she was Edward’s student, said to Spellman women that Sabrina’s father left a manuscript with an exorcism that can be performed by witches ( something that in reality is Satan’s plan ) and the four of them went and banished the demon ( even if Wardwell went back and killed the poor Uncle Jesse ). Now, what on earth prophesy the Dark Lord wants from Sabrina to fulfil hmmm?
The “Feast of Feasts” is a really important, but brutal, tradition on Sabrina’s coven. They choose one woman from each family of the coven and one of them taking part in the lottery on which will become their queen. The queen of the feast has only one really important job. She is technically the main course. This year’s queen isn’t other than Prudence herself ( I love this girl ) and Sabrina is determined to find a way to save her, even if Prudence is more than proud that Dark Lord chose her. Mrs Wardwell put her class to do a search about their family trees and we got that… Susie’s ancestor, Dorothea, was the one that helped witches back in her time while an ancestor of Rosalind’s side had accused a woman of witchcraft and she cursed her, and all women of her family, do be blind ( but they have insight though ). Harvey’s family on the other side were ( and still are ) witch hunters ( even if he has no idea about that ) and Prudence with Agatha and Dorcas want revenge for their ancestors. Sabrina with Zelda find out that Lady Blackwood was the one that made Prudence win the lottery because the girl is, in fact, Father Blackwood’s daughter. Agatha and Dorcas cast a spell on Harley and his brother Tommy, the same moment that the boys enter the mine. ( Although, Sabrina had cast a protection – I think – spell on her boyfriend earlier… )
This show getting darker by episode. On this one, we saw that Harvey survived in the mines but Tommy and four other guys weren’t so lucky. Rosalind told Sabrina about her vision, in which she saw two girls in the mine playing with dolls ( yeap, she saw Agatha and Dorcas ). After that Sabrina talked with Prudence and together told Agatha that she had to pay. Agatha became the sacrifice in order to bring Tommy back ( she came back to life, don’t worry people ) and Sabrina with Prudence, Dorcas and Nicholas ( Gavin Leatherwood ) cast the spell. ( I don’t know about you, but I believe that this will not has a good end ) Zelda started an affair with Father Blackwood ( you can much better than him my dear ) and Hilda spends a lot of her time at the bookshop.
After Sabrina’s brilliant ( not ) idea to bring Tommy back the situation is worse than you can imagine. You see, Tommy is soulless something that it makes him a kind of zombie ( he’s really creepy ). Mrs Wardwell keeps being “the voice” on Sabrina’s ear and she gives her the idea to go at Limbo and bring Tommy’s soul back. In the meantime, Rosalind has a vision about Sabrina and Susie learns from Dorothea’s ghost that the Spellman family are witches. The two girls talk about that and they wonder if their friend is evil or not. Sabrina has a small talk with her mother at the Limbo who tells her that someone took her when she was a baby. She finds Tommy’s soul though but just the moment that they were ready to return she lost him for good. Returning back alone, Mrs Wardwell says to her that she can do only one thing. Sabrina explains everything to Harvey and he breaks up with her just before kills his “brother”. Mrs Wardwell is very pleased that her plan to leave her all alone and without her mortal friends worked after all. ( Just wait, honey… we have one more episode )
After Mrs Wardwell ( I hate this Mary Wardwell wanna be so damn much. ) saw how supportive were Sabrina’s friends when she admitted to them that she is indeed a witch and that even if Harvey broke up with her, still cares about her, she had to do something drastic. She summoned “The Thirteen” ( the witches that their coven had left to die ) and the Red Horseman of death. ( That reminded me a little bit of Sleepy Hollow, great show… go watch it. ) Father Blackwood told them that the coven will be safe at the Church of night but the Spellmans decided to stay in town and protect the humans. Sabrina asked Nicholas to protect Harvey and Susie called her Putman’s blood to save Rosalind and her grandmother. In this whole chaos though, Mrs Wardwell ( Do we have to call her Lilith now? ) made Sabrina believe that the only way to save her friends is to sign the Book of the Beast, something that she finally did. Sabrina burned The Thirteen with the Hell Fire ( and the only good that happened on the episode was that her hair became finally, white! ) and saved everyone. She said her goodbye to Harvey, in order to keep him safe, the same time that Zelda revels to Hilda that she abducted one of Father Blackwood’s babies, the firstborn, to protect it because it’s a girl. ( Interested, I wonder if Prudence knows it as well… ) Harvey told what Sabrina told him to Rosalind and Susie while our little witch seems that became the fourth member to Prudence’s little gang.
I totally adored the first season and I really can’t wait to see what they gonna give us on the next one, because yes… it will have at least one more for sure.
Let me know what you watched it or not and don’t forget to tell me what you think about the post in the comments below or on my facebook page. Also, if you like my posts just follow my blog through WordPress or your e-mail account ( you’ll find the following buttons on your right in this post ). Until next time…
xx Marilita.