Mohouhan VS Copycat Killer (Spoiler Alert)

Hello again my friends! Psychological thrillers are one of my favorite type of dramas to watch and today I’m here to discuss two psychological thrillers I recently watched. “Mohouhan” and “Copycat Killer”, are both based on the book “Mohouhan” by Miyabe Miyuki. Mohouhan (2016) Country: Japan Episodes: 2 (2h each) Genres: Thriller, Mystery, Psychological, Drama… Continue reading Mohouhan VS Copycat Killer (Spoiler Alert)


Kazoku Game review (SPOILER ALERT!!!)

KAZOKU GAME (The Family Game) (2013) Country: Japan Episodes 10 Genres: Mystery, Psychological, Life, Drama Rating: 10/10 “Kazoku Game” is a 2013 Japanese adaption of a 1983 drama by the same name. How would you react as a parent, if you hire a home tutor for your child that he’ s not a typical tutor,… Continue reading Kazoku Game review (SPOILER ALERT!!!)